To do list

A list of things I still have to do around the website.

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Alt text to images

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Add height and width to images

Add meta descriptions to pages (do i need it tho?)

Add open graph tag info to all pages

Don't forget to add the og:url tag inside the head tag to all pages

Side quests
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Add descriptions to side quests

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Add thumbnails to each project

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Add at least 2 projects

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Add fun animations to the finoa case

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Add fun animations to the Kevel case

Add the 3rd case study about Kevel reporting

Add the 4rth case study about redacted

Compile a playlist dedicated to the release of this site

Shoot a video on Madeira

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Add some kind of animations to cases

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Add an animation for resources

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Add an animation for my playlist

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Add an animation for photos

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Add an animation for my resume

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Update my resume (at least this)

Main projects page
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Basically, do everythingabove just for this page

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Add one case study

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Add another one

Case studies

Find solid memes

Fix the confetti animation


Add 7 secret pages

Add a notification center

Add travel notes

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Come up with an appropriate heading instead of "some heading"

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Add a checklist of things to add

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Add another one

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Add links below

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Add my photo

Add more info to

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Add education

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Add my work experience

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Add a couple words about me

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Add other pages with useful info beside useful apps/services

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Add some good resources


Just add the page already cmon

Add my playlists

Add a section about s.

Mobile & tablet
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Add the "use the desktop" banner for now

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Need to add the tablet version to all pages

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Add the mobile version to all pages